How to remove the YouTube logo from the embedded videos?
Are you trying to remove the YouTube logo from the embedded videos on your site or landing pages? If yes, this article can help solve that problem completely. Read on to find out the ultimate solution for removing YouTube logo from your hosted videos.
The technique I am going to show you now doesn’t require any coding skills or use of a complex software.
The 100% Sureshot Way to Remove YouTube Logo from The Embedded Videos
This method requires a software and bit of customization which takes hardly 2 to 5 minutes. (Customization is as simple as adding some simple text to the box provided on the dashboard).
The software I use to remove the YouTube logo is called the MonkeyPlayr. You can have a look at the MonkeyPlayr software in action through this link.
I am only going to show how to do it using MonkeyPlayer. The features and the review itself can be found at our MonkeyPlayer review post if you want to know more about this amazing piece of software, before buying it.
Once you have access to MonkeyPlayer software (SaaS or cloud-based) just log in to the dashboard with the password that has been given to you, for beginning the process.
Grab the YouTube video URL that you want to embed and remove the YouTube logo.
Click on the Create Playr (It isn’t a TYPO, BTW) option, inside your dashboard.

Once you click on the button, you will be presented with a dashboard that looks like the one shown below.
I won’t go through all the options now as they are quite straightforward like entering your YouTube URL etc.
What we are interested in is the Player Options as shown below. Adjust the settings as shown in the picture below.

Next, move onto the PRO OPTIONS (included with the upgrade).
Enter some basic details as shown below and save the player settings.

And that’s it.
You will be given an embed code in the end when you hit the PUBLISH button on the dashboard.
You have successfully removed/hidden the YouTube logo from your embedded video.
Don’t trust me?
Check out the YouTube video below where I removed the YouTube logo and put my CTA button instead. Have fun!!!
Some Options To Remove The YouTube Logo from the Embedded Videos That Don’t Work Anymore
The First Method That Doesn’t Work
Earlier people used to add ?modestbranding=1 to the end of their YouTube URL in the embed codes to remove the logo completely.
So the final src code in your embed code according to this method would appear somewhat like this
</div” >=”” <=”” div=””>
Sadly this method doesn’t work anymore.
Even if it hides the YouTube logo, other controls will appear on the video which negates the whole purpose of removing the YouTube branding itself.
The Second Method That Is Not Working Now
Try it yourself.
Go to and click on a video.
Once it starts playing look for a ‘share’ button somewhere on the right bottom side of the video.

Click on that and a small window will popup.
Click on the embed button present on that window.

Once you click on that you will be taken to another window which has many options for you to customize the look of your embedded video as shown in the picture above.
You can hide the YouTube control options, you can adjust the start time of your video and even hide the video title, the player actions and the suggested videos that appear at the end.
But sadly the option to remove the YouTube logo that was present earlier has been removed. So what it means is that we can’t go the traditional way to hide our YouTube logos.
What you are left with, is the method I mentioned earlier which needs the use of MonkeyPlayr software.