Amazon Link Localization: How To Easily Localize Amazon Associate Links?

In this Amazon link localization guide, I am going to show you how to easily localize your Amazon associate links and redirect each of your visitors to the Amazon websites of their respective countries.

In this Amazon link localization guide, I am going to show you how to easily localize your Amazon affiliate links, otherwise called the Amazon Associates link, within minutes.

Before learning how to do it, let’s see why we need to localize Amazon links.

Why Do Amazon Link Localization?

By localizing your links you will be able to redirect your visitors to the Amazon stores in their respective countries.

For example, if your visitor is from the UK and you have an Amazon associates link for the US amazon website, whenever the visitor clicks your link, he or she will be redirected to the UK amazon website instead of the US one. This is possible only if you localize your Amazon links.

For example, here is an Amazon associates link for the new Macbook Pro.

>>>>>Regular Amazon Link<<<<<

This is a link which when clicked will take you to the Macbook Pro page on the Amazon US website. That’s great when your website visitors are all from the US.

But what happens when a visitor from Canada or the UK visits your website and clicks on the same link?

He or she too will be taken to the same page on the Amazon US website. And that’s the problem.


Because most sellers on the US Amazon website don’t ship internationally which means you may be losing a potential sale.

Amazon Link Localization

So now, if we had localized the same Amazon link and made it redirect each visitor to his/her countries Amazon website, we would have had more chances of earning a commission and increasing our revenue.

Now here, I have included another link which I have localized and which redirects visitors to the Amazon store based on the country from which they visit.

If you are visiting from Canada/France/Germany or any other country for that matter, when you click on this link, you will be redirected to the Amazon page of your country (provided Amazon is functional in the country) instead of the Amazon US.

This is a Localized Amazon Link. Click it to find out.

>>>>Localized Amazon Link<<<<<

How To Localize Amazon Links?

Once you have created an account, log in to the Genius Links dashboard.

Once inside, the first thing we need to do is connect all our existing Amazon associate accounts with the Genius Link tool.

As you may already know, we need to sign up separately for the Amazon associate account of each country that we want to promote.

You can’t sign up for the Amazon US program and expect commissions when the person you referred makes a purchase on the Amazon Canada website. You will have to separately sign up for the Canada Amazon partner program, to get those commissions.

Now, to connect our existing Amazon accounts, we need to click on the ‘Affiliate’ tab, as shown in the picture below.

Once inside, simply click on the ‘Add Program’ button under the ‘Your Affiliate Programs’ section, as shown in the image below. I have already connected 5 of my Amazon Associate accounts, as you can see in the picture below.

Once we have connected the affiliate accounts, its time to do the Amazon link localization.

To do that, we need to go to the ‘Links’ section in GeniusLinks, and click on the ‘New’ button and then on the ‘Simple Link’ button.

Now on the next page, just paste your Amazon associates link that you want to localize.

Now, give your link a name. This is for reference purposes only. Give a name that is unique and memorable.

You can also arrange your links into different ‘categories’ and assign a ‘tag’ to each link.

Finally, save the link.

Now, this is your universal Amazon localized link, which can be used on YouTube, social media, blogs, websites, forums, etc.

localized amazon link

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