Super Affiliate System Review: How Good Is John Crestani’s Affiliate Marketing Course?
In this Super Affiliate System review, I am going to tell you what Super affiliate system is, what does it contain, its cost and more. Previously known as the internet jet set, the Super affiliate system is an affiliate marketing training created by the popular internet marketer John Crestani.
This is a complete system that shows people how to create massively profitable affiliate campaigns. [Here’s what affiliate marketing is if you don’t have an idea].
Unlike many other affiliate marketing training programs the super affiliate system doesn’t depend on free traffic methods.
This system by John Crestani uses paid traffic sources to quicken up the earning process and scale the profit-making potential to unimaginable heights.
You can also watch the intro video below for the extra information about John Crestani’s free webinar.
Why Use Paid Traffic?
The simple answer is because you can get results almost instantly. Most people believe that free traffic is the best type of traffic we can get online. It may be true to a certain extent, but it isn’t the whole truth.
Free traffic may not cost you any money but it definitely costs time. I have struggled a lot for more than 3 years to generate decent traffic to some of my niche sites and frankly, it is a lot of work.
If you are ready to wait for a long time to get results from your affiliate marketing efforts then try free traffic. Remember that it can take you a really long time to succeed. If you don’t want to wait, the super affiliate system 3.0 can be worth a try.

Why Is Super Affiliate System 3.0 Unique?
The most recent version of SAS is version 3.0. As mentioned earlier, this program is a ‘copy and paste’ kind of system.
Before looking at the content of this course, let’s find out why this training program is unique. These are the few things which set an expert apart from amateurs.
SAS gives you the blueprint to start a home-based business. With this business model, you can work from anywhere in the world. John Crestani’s system provides you with all the templates that you need to succeed with affiliate marketing, fast.
Buyers Data
This is the list of target customers who are likely to buy your product. This actually is a great resource to have. The buyer’s list is worth its weight in gold.
Most of the beginner affiliate marketer’s [even the intermediate ones] don’t have this, which is what gives the person with the buyer’s data a great head start.
The Templates
The super affiliate system includes the landing page templates, ad templates, emails, affiliate network referrals, and weekly coaching with John Crestani. These are all the tools that you need to make money from your customers quickly.
You may need about 6 weeks time to go through and finish the whole course. The Super Affiliate System has over 50 hours of high quality recorded training.
AD Samples
Not only the members can learn how to create engaging ads that work, but they also get the working ads which they can copy and paste. If you enroll in this course you also get over $895 of FREE AD CREDITS.
You also get access to downloadable presell page templates, and Click-and-Clone Clickfunnels templates. This is especially great for first-time affiliates to get started with NO PROGRAMMING KNOWLEDGE NECESSARY.
You also will be guided to the highest converting offers, the best affiliate networks, and get access to high-ticket affiliate offers that produce recurring revenues.
John Crestani’s Free Webinar Link
Super Affiliate System 3.0 Download
What Do You Get with Super Affiliate System 3.0?
With the purchase of Super Affiliate System 3.0 (rebranded from Internet JetSet System), you will have access to the following course material and training.
You will get instant access to John Crestani’s courses on paid advertising. You will be given access to John Crestani’s strategies and methodologies on how to run a successful paid advertising campaign.
John has spent a lot of money on trying, testing and experimenting on advertisements. You will have all this knowledge at your fingertips without going through the hard work.
You will learn how to create an online business from Scratch. Using this course material you will be able to jump-start your business. You will have access to an awesome and active Super Affiliate System community. You also get perpetual support from the SAS team.
Super Affiliate System Review of Modules Included
The whole of SAS 3.0 is broken down into six modules. Each module can take you up to a week to complete. Each week or each module has about 6 to 12 videos.
Each video will have John Crestani instructing you about the core concepts of affiliate marketing and showing you practically how to do it.
Depending on the topic of discussion each video may have a time span of 5 to 20 minutes.
Here is what you are going to get and learn in the super affiliate system 3.0
Developing the Entrepreneur Mindset
- You are going to learn how to navigate the affiliate marketing landscape and how to avoid possible landmines
- You will be taught how to earn your first commission
- You will be shown how to join at least 10 affiliate programs with little or no experience
- John Crestani’s 24-minute exercise will show you how to overcome any obstacles that you’ll face
Choosing Your Niche and Offers
- You will learn the secrets of choosing the right niche for your affiliate campaigns. You will also learn the systematic approach on how to choose a profitable niche.
- You will learn how to differentiate between low and high commission networks
- John Crestani will identify 7 high commission networks that will pay you more affiliate commissions than the product owners

Creating Ad Campaigns and Structure
In this module, you will learn how to create and manage ads. You will learn the following.
- Create Adwords ads
- Create Youtube ads
- Create Facebook ads
- Create Bing ads
- Create LinkedIn ads
- And other ad networks
Developing Effective CopyWriting
- You will be taught how to Copywrite professionally by Ronnie Sandlin. He is the 7-figure student of John’s and a copywriting wizard.
- Learn 5 key points to a profitable ad
- You will learn how to gain people’s trust
- You will also learn how to speak to the reptilian brain
Weekly Webinars
- The members get access to live monthly webinars taught by John Crestani
- Members also receive up-to-date potent marketing advice in promoting their products
- You will also get an opportunity to have John review your marketing strategy, copywriting, etc
- Best of all, the new members also get access to the entire webinar archive. This is quite popular with new affiliate marketers.
Scaling and Automation
In this affiliate training module, you will learn how to scale your affiliate marketing business.
You will learn
- How to use survey funnels
- How to use media buyers
- Scaling from 1-20k
- Learn from real-world case studies
Super Affiliate System 3.0 Weekly Course Distribution
Week 1 – Setup
- How to make your first commission
- How to get approved for your first affiliate networks so you can start earning commissions
- How to set up your ads, presell pages, and affiliate links, no prior experience required
- How to setup facebook ads that convert on broad audiences
- How to leverage affiliate networks and their representatives so that they work for you, for free
Week 2 – Choosing Your Niche
- How to create the right mindset to help you succeed even if you’ve never been successful in any other business before
- How to figure out the niche and affiliate offers that will work best for you
- How to choose an ad network to specialize in.
- How to create competitive advantages for yourself as an online marketer
Week 3 – Advanced Marketing Skills
- What copywriting is, and how you can write highly profitable headlines for your advertisements
- 5 keys to a profitable presell page
- How to tap into people’s deepest emotions to hypnotize them to buy
- The 17-step copywriting method that works
- Advanced optimization tactics that will allow you to take affiliate campaigns from barely breaking even, to being massively profitable
Week 4 – Facebook & Google Advertising
- How to create facebook advertising campaigns that generate click-throughs and ROI
- How to stay compliant with Facebook’s complex and ever-changing policies so that you never get an ad account shutdown
- How to understand all the different metrics in advertising so that you can safely navigate your way to profitability
- How to leverage Google’s advertising network to consistently generate clicks and sales to your presell pages
Week 5 – Youtube Ads & Native Advertising
- How to setup Youtube ads so that you can get penny clicks, quick way to scale up profitably
- What native advertising is, and how you can use native advertising networks such as Taboola, Outbrain, and MGID to fuel your affiliate marketing business
- How to use a click tracker to do even more advanced optimization on your advertising campaigns.
- Secrets to profitable video ads on Facebook
- How to structure your advertising campaigns effectively
Week 6 – Scaling and Automation
- How to use survey funnels to supercharge your facebook conversion rates
- The $240k solar campaign case study
- How to scale affiliate campaigns from $1000/day profit to $20,000+ per day profit
- How to hire and manage media buyers, and build an organization around your affiliate marketing campaigns
How Much Does Super Affiliate System 3.0 Cost?
Right now it costs a one time fee of $997. There are no monthly fees. You may need to invest in web hosting and a domain name. You may also need to invest in ads.
Super Affiliate System Review Verdict
This is a premium affiliate marketing course which gives you access to buyer’s list data and a few other really valuable stuff which you don’t get anywhere else online.
This isn’t a course for people who just want to play around. If you are very serious about your online business and want to start earning life-changing affiliate commissions fast, give this course a try.