How to Find The Best Blog Post Ideas for Beginners
Are you new to blogging and looking for blog post ideas? You’ve come to the right place!
Here are some great blog post ideas for beginners that will help you get started in the right direction. If you already have a blog, these posts can help inspire your future content.
If you’re new to blogging you already know that it can be difficult to come up with topics for your posting schedule. Writing a blog post is not just about writing content. It is about how you can engage your audience, build your traffic, and get more leads.
Feel free to use any of these blog post ideas given below in your own writing or let them guide your brainstorming sessions so that every post is original and engaging. Good luck with your next post!
What Makes a Great Blog Post Topic?
Before we get to the blog post ideas for beginners, it’s important to take a step back and think about what makes for a great blog topic overall.
There’s no way we can cover all the details in one post so we’re going to focus on two specific points: blog topic relevance and your target audience.
Your blog posts should be relevant to your business and they should be written for a specific type of person, not just anyone who happens across your site. This makes it easier to find other people interested in your topic, which will help increase conversions and sales.
Many authors attempt to write for everyone, but this is a mistake. It’s hard to speak with one voice when you are trying to communicate the same information to several different groups of readers.
And it can damage your reputation because you’ll end up writing boring, bland posts that don’t really make a point.
Take this blog post for example. We are writing this article keeping the beginners in mind. Specifically, the beginners who are searching for blog post ideas for their new blog. It is specific and has a definite end goal.
Another thing that makes a great blog post is the promise of value. People want to know they are getting their time’s worth. So, make sure your blog post has grounded, useful information that solves a problem or teaches something.
A good blog post idea is engaging, unique, and meets your audience’s needs. The best topics are fun to write about, but they also inspire you to learn more and dig deeper.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to writing a great blog post. Now let’s see how to find blog topics to write about.
How to Find Blog Post Topics to Write About
When you’re looking for blog post ideas, it’s tempting to think in terms of your business. What do I sell? What strategies do I use to get customers?
The problem is that this type of thinking can cause you to sometimes come up with unoriginal and bland content that doesn’t help your visitors much. Instead, try using the following approaches for inspiration.
Brainstorm Topics
Start by thinking of what you enjoy writing about the most. This could be related to your passions, hobbies, or expertise. For example, if you have children you might want to write about parenting or family holidays. If you are into fashion then fashion blogs or eCommerce might be something that interests you.
Read Your Competitor’s Blogs
Start by reading your competitor’s blogs. This is a great way to come up with blog post ideas because you can see what topics they’ve already covered, areas where you may have an advantage over them, and any holes in their content that could be filled with a better or more updated blog post.
Create an Outline
The outline will help with structuring your thoughts and brainstorming topics for future posts. For example, if I am interested in blogging about parenting I might brainstorm topics like ‘Parenting 101’, ‘Raising an Empathetic Child’, or ‘How to Prepare your Child for Kindergarten’.
I could brainstorm even more specific topics like ‘What to pack in your child’s FIRST backpack’ and make a separate blog post about it.
I would write it down but also try not to limit myself too much at this stage.

Use Social Media For Inspiration
People use social media to share information about themselves and what they are interested in. You can learn a lot from looking at your target audience’s social media profiles.
For example, if you run a mom blog, it’s a good idea to follow two main types of social media: personal profiles and parenting groups.
Personal profiles will give you an idea of what sorts of things your readers are interested in or what they do for fun. Parenting groups can help you learn about common issues that parents face, the types of problems they want to be solved, and the questions they want to be answered.
Find Problems Your Customers Have
One of the best ways to come up with blog post ideas for beginners is to figure out what kinds of problems your audience needs help solving.
What’s next after you have found these problems? Make a list of all the blog post titles you can think of. These are potential topics for your blog.
Use your findings to come up with original blog post ideas that will be beneficial to your readers.
Don’t start writing your blog post until you’ve taken the time to do some research! Look for sources that support your topic and see what other bloggers are saying. This is a great way of inspiring your writing and generating new blog post ideas.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself when choosing your next blog post topic:
What type of content do my readers enjoy the most? What content do my readers need the most? Which of my blog posts has performed particularly well in the past? Are there any topics I want to cover again but have not had a chance yet?
These questions will help you find ideas that your audience will be looking for.
Top 40 Blog Post Ideas for Beginners
Still not sure what to write about?
Here are some ideas for blog post topics you can use to start writing your own blog post:
1. Your best travel experience and why it is so special to you.
2. What motivates you in life and work right now, and what has motivated you in the past (and how that’s changed over time).
3. Share a little bit of advice that helped or inspired you at an important moment in your life – either when starting out on your career path or when making a transition into another area of focus (e.g., if this was during college, maybe share something that helped with studying/paying attention in lectures).
4. Consider sharing one thing about yourself or hobby/interests that you are particularly proud of (but maybe not everyone knows about).
5. Share something that was especially good or bad about your day, then explain what made it so.
6. If you work in an industry where lots of people want to get into the same position as yours, share tips for how they can achieve their goal/career aspirations.
7. The next big trend in your industry and why it’s the ‘next big thing’.
8. How to build a network, what it takes, and how to get started – including suggestions about ways you can take practical steps towards making this happen for yourself.
9. What is one of your hobbies? What do you enjoy about it? How can other people learn to love this hobby as much as you do?
10. What are your goals for the future? How can others help you achieve these goals?
11. Share a personal story of something that might not be on your resume, but that makes you proud or brings you happiness.
12. Share a personal story of something that was really hard, but you overcame it.
13. Share an embarrassing moment or mistake and explain what you learned from it.
14. If your blog is particularly informative, find a topic that is especially confusing to most beginners in the field and share 10 simple ways to help them with this issue – offer tips and explain why these steps will help.
15. If you run a business, share what you learned from your latest mistake and how it impacted the business (for better or for worse).

16. Share an experience where something really helped you (e.g., found a great book to read, discovered a new band) – make sure to explain how your life would have been different without the experience.
17. A list of 10 things you are grateful for at this moment in time – think of it as a retrospective if you are just starting out on your career path, or an update on what brings you happiness if you’ve already worked for some time.
18. What do people in your industry want to know about? What is the one thing you wish they understood better? Share this and explain why.
19. Are there any skills or interests that you have which would be useful to someone else in your field of work? If so, go ahead and share these – when done well, this can also be a nice piece to promote your blog to the people in your network via LinkedIn or Facebook.
20. Share what you love about working at your job, and what makes it different than all the other jobs you’ve had before.
21. What are 4-5 things that everyone should know about starting their own business?
22. An introduction to 5 people in your field that others should know about – why are they special? What can you learn from them? Are there any words of wisdom they might be willing to share?
23. Share something about yourself that other people may not even suspect (e.g., I like to go for bike rides alone, I’m learning to speak a new language, I play the guitar).
24. Share something you learned from your project management class that other people might not know about.
25. What is one of your favourite things to do? Why?
26. If it’s been a long time since you graduated, share a favourite memory from your days in college and explain how it still impacts your life today.
27. What is one of the most fascinating things about your field? How does this interest impact what you do each day?
28. Share a personal story or observation that demonstrates why teamwork (or collaboration) is important for success.
29. What is one thing that everyone should know about working in your field?
30. Share an interesting metric or stat that demonstrates what it’s like to work in the industry you are in – e.g., 10 years from now there will be a Y% increase in job openings for this field, etc.
31. Write a blog post reviewing products and offerings from your industry – don’t copy and paste, but rather share your honest opinion and explain why.
32. If you’ve recently been promoted, or had a raise, share what this means for your role and how it will impact each day in your life.
33. What’s one of the most surprising things that has happened over the last year?
34. Have you written or contributed to any books, content pieces, research studies, etc.? Share them here and explain what was most interesting about working on them.
35. Share about someone who inspires you – what is it about them or their work that influences your own?
36. Do you have any advice for people who are just getting started? What’s one of the most important things people should consider before beginning to do what you do?
37. What’s one thing you think people misunderstand about your industry and why?
38. Share an article or blog post that you recently enjoyed – why did you like it, and particularly what parts were most interesting (i.e., what could the reader learn from reading this?)
39. What are some of your goals for the next 1-3 months? 3-6 months? 6-12 months? Beyond that? How often do you review these goals and how are you tracking against them?
40. What kind of training or development programs exist in your company or industry to help people learn new skills or advance their careers – what has been the most interesting for you, and why?
Concluding Thoughts
I hope you have found this list of blog post ideas for beginners to be helpful.
Writing blog posts may not be as hard as you think. The tips and ideas that are given above for finding the best topics that will engage your audience, inspire them to read on, and ultimately convert them into new customers or loyal followers, are surely going to help in the long run.
A good idea is one that people can relate to and want to explore more. The most interesting topics are ones in which readers feel like they’ve learned something by reading about it (you don’t want your reader feeling like they’re just scrolling through another social media feed).
Remember all these things when you are writing your next blog post and I am sure you are going to find success fast.